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Welcome to the API reference overview for the Signer Metrics API.
List of signers for a given PoX cycle
cycle_number required | integer PoX cycle number |
from | string Start of time range (e.g., now-2h or ISO timestamp) |
to | string End of time range (e.g., now or ISO timestamp) |
limit required | integer Default: 100 Number of results to return (default: 100) |
offset required | integer Default: 0 Number of results to skip (default: 0) |
{- "total": 0,
- "limit": 0,
- "offset": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "signer_key": "string",
- "slot_index": 0,
- "weight": 0,
- "weight_percentage": 0,
- "stacked_amount": "string",
- "stacked_amount_percent": 0,
- "stacked_amount_rank": 0,
- "proposals_accepted_count": 0,
- "proposals_rejected_count": 0,
- "proposals_missed_count": 0,
- "average_response_time_ms": 0,
- "last_seen": "string",
- "version": "string"
Get stats for a specific signer in a given PoX cycle
cycle_number required | integer PoX cycle number |
signer_id required | string Signer public key (hex encoded) |
{- "signer_key": "string",
- "slot_index": 0,
- "weight": 0,
- "weight_percentage": 0,
- "stacked_amount": "string",
- "stacked_amount_percent": 0,
- "stacked_amount_rank": 0,
- "proposals_accepted_count": 0,
- "proposals_rejected_count": 0,
- "proposals_missed_count": 0,
- "average_response_time_ms": 0,
- "last_seen": "string",
- "version": "string"
Aggregated signer information for most recent blocks
limit required | integer Default: 100 Number of results to return |
offset required | integer Default: 0 Number of results to skip |
{- "total": 0,
- "limit": 0,
- "offset": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "block_height": 0,
- "block_hash": "string",
- "block_time": 0,
- "index_block_hash": "string",
- "burn_block_height": 0,
- "tenure_height": 0,
- "signer_data": {
- "cycle_number": 0,
- "total_signer_count": 0,
- "accepted_count": 0,
- "rejected_count": 0,
- "missing_count": 0,
- "accepted_excluded_count": 0,
- "average_response_time_ms": 0,
- "block_proposal_time_ms": 0,
- "accepted_stacked_amount": "string",
- "rejected_stacked_amount": "string",
- "missing_stacked_amount": "string",
- "accepted_weight": 0,
- "rejected_weight": 0,
- "missing_weight": 0
Aggregated signer information for a block
required | string or Block hash (string) or Block height (integer) |
{- "block_height": 0,
- "block_hash": "string",
- "block_time": 0,
- "index_block_hash": "string",
- "burn_block_height": 0,
- "tenure_height": 0,
- "signer_data": {
- "cycle_number": 0,
- "total_signer_count": 0,
- "accepted_count": 0,
- "rejected_count": 0,
- "missing_count": 0,
- "accepted_excluded_count": 0,
- "average_response_time_ms": 0,
- "block_proposal_time_ms": 0,
- "accepted_stacked_amount": "string",
- "rejected_stacked_amount": "string",
- "missing_stacked_amount": "string",
- "accepted_weight": 0,
- "rejected_weight": 0,
- "missing_weight": 0
Signer information for most recent block proposals
limit required | integer [ 1 .. 50 ] Default: 25 Number of results to return |
offset required | integer Default: 0 Number of results to skip |
{- "limit": 0,
- "offset": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "received_at": "string",
- "block_height": 0,
- "block_hash": "string",
- "index_block_hash": "string",
- "burn_block_height": 0,
- "block_time": 0,
- "cycle_number": 0,
- "status": "pending",
- "push_time_ms": { },
- "total_signer_count": 0,
- "total_signer_weight": 0,
- "total_signer_stacked_amount": "string",
- "accepted_count": 0,
- "rejected_count": 0,
- "missing_count": 0,
- "accepted_weight": 0,
- "rejected_weight": 0,
- "missing_weight": 0,
- "signer_data": [
- {
- "signer_key": "string",
- "slot_index": 0,
- "response": "accepted",
- "weight": 0,
- "weight_percentage": 0,
- "stacked_amount": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "received_at": "string",
- "response_time_ms": 0,
- "reason_string": "string",
- "reason_code": "string",
- "reject_code": "string"
Signer information for most recent block proposals
block_hash required | string (Block hash) ^(0x)?[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$ Example: 0xdaf79950c5e8bb0c620751333967cdd62297137cdaf79950c5e8bb0c62075133 Block hash |
limit required | integer [ 1 .. 50 ] Default: 25 Number of results to return |
offset required | integer Default: 0 Number of results to skip |
{- "received_at": "string",
- "block_height": 0,
- "block_hash": "string",
- "index_block_hash": "string",
- "burn_block_height": 0,
- "block_time": 0,
- "cycle_number": 0,
- "status": "pending",
- "push_time_ms": { },
- "total_signer_count": 0,
- "total_signer_weight": 0,
- "total_signer_stacked_amount": "string",
- "accepted_count": 0,
- "rejected_count": 0,
- "missing_count": 0,
- "accepted_weight": 0,
- "rejected_weight": 0,
- "missing_weight": 0,
- "signer_data": [
- {
- "signer_key": "string",
- "slot_index": 0,
- "response": "accepted",
- "weight": 0,
- "weight_percentage": 0,
- "stacked_amount": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "received_at": "string",
- "response_time_ms": 0,
- "reason_string": "string",
- "reason_code": "string",
- "reject_code": "string"